We are part of a global community of practitioners, scientists, employees, consultants, coaches, and more who are working together to put the open-source Inner Development Goals [IDG] framework into action, collectively.


About the IDG Initiative

Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development who research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives. The Inner Development Goals framework is fundamental in the work to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. The global network has now more than 500+ Hubs in 80+ countries with 35000+ community members. Read more on “Who we are” here. Social Impact Lab collaborate with the IDG Initiative and is registered as a local IDG Hub in Bergen.


Change Starts Within

In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals gave us a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. The 17 goals cover a wide range of issues that involve people with different needs, values, and convictions. There is a vision of what needs to happen, but progress along this vision has so far been disappointing. We lack the inner capacity to deal with our increasingly complex environment and challenges. Fortunately, modern research shows that the inner abilities we now all need can be developed. This was the starting point for the 'Inner Development Goals' initiative.


A Community of Changemakers

Social Impact Lab is working to support people in the realization of sustainable initiatives. We do this by:

  • Bringing people together around collective exploration and action.

  • Learning, innovating, prototyping, practicing and sharing application of tools.

  • Creating local events, action days or programs to support activities within the Hub.

  • Ally with partner organisations to help fund local and/or global initiatives.

  • Share stories, tools, recordings of lectures and courses with local and global communities.



We are building on the IDG framework and offer a program for impact makers, change agents, idealists, thought leaders and people working to make a difference. The program offer 5 modules based on the 5 dimensions in the IDG framework:

What is your most important Sustainable Development Goal?