Women in Tech - Årets initiativ: INNO-SCI!
INNO-SCI – School of programming vant prisen som årets initiativ under Women in Tech! Vi er SÅ stolt av gründer og CEO Eunice Hammond - og denne prisen er veldig fortjent!
Her er juryens uttalelse:
Let's give a round of applause to our winner of the "Initiative of the year" category - INNO-SCI (School of Programming) and its CEO and founder Eunice Hammond-Mørklid (MCIPS, MSc., MA.) (Norway NO) 🌟 INNO-SCI is developing a world class innovation & technology skills programme to better serve women to gain the much-needed career support with the goal to increase the skilled talent pool of Women in IT. As Eunice Hammond-Mørklid (MCIPS, MSc., MA.) said "there are not enough people in tech and companies overlook highly skilled female professionals and that has to stop!". Sincere congrats from the NWiTA Team 👏
Se opptak av kåringen her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzrLEsPK_zg
Eunice deltok i Impact Challenge sitt inkubasjonsprogram i 2022. Les mer om henne her:
Vi gratulerer så mye, Eunice!
Du kan lese mer om Inno-Sci på https://www.inno-sci.com/